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Unconventional Hydrography in a Conventional Submarine - HMS Onyx and the 1982 South Atlantic Conflict


HMS ONYX was one of the smaller cogs in the complex fighting machine that responded to the Argentine invasion of the Falkland Islands in 1982. However, she did complete what is probably the longest wartime patrol by a diesel submarine ever - 116 days from April to August.


HMS ONYX  was one of the smaller cogs in the complex fighting machine that responded to the Argentine invasion of the Falkland Islands in 1982.  However, she did complete what is probably the longest wartime patrol by a diesel submarine ever - 116 days from April to August.  The detailed story of what took place during that  patrol remains untold, subject to the demands of the Official Secrets Act. Nonetheless, there was a proliferation of speculative articles in the national press about what ONYX, together with her more powerful nuclear-propelled sisters, might have done.  This certainly indicates the potential that submarines have for causing alarm and confusion, simply because others do not know their movements and intentions.

The particular value that ONYX contributed to the Task Force was the ability to work undetected close inshore, for reconnaissance or special force insertion and withdrawal. ONYX took nearly a month to reach the Falklands from U.K. at a speed comparable with that of a modern ocean racing yacht.   As a result, various other vehicles were used initially for these specialist tasks, with varying degrees of success.  The time heading South was, nevertheless, used to good effect.  The first few days were spent sorting out the avalanche of equipment and stores which had been thrown on board in the five days prior to sailing. The remainder of the transit was spent exercising, training, testing and tuning equipment and people, to make sure we were ready to take on whatever might come our  way.  Not very different from the routine in any submarine at sea, where  the elements and ‘Murphy’s law’ combine to make every minute of every patrol a professional challenge.

There were certain differences.  We, like many at home, depended largely on the daily news bulletins to learn  of events in the South Atlantic.  Like many at sea, we expected to get no farther than Ascension Island before a peaceful compromise was  achieved. However, as we continued farther South we heard reports of air raids and sinkings.  We had time to reflect on the unpleasant realities of  wartime life in the armed forces.  There was little anyone could do to turn back the clock, but there was a growing determination to make sure we could, and would, survive.  As General Patton once said, “The aim in war is to make the other guy die for his country”.  There was also a degree of nervous  anticipation.  At last we were to have the opportunity to do some of those things we had so often only practised.  Would the tactics work?  Would we be good enough?  A comparison might be that adrenaline burst experienced by players in a changing room before a big competition.  However, it lasted much longer, and the consequences of failure were decidedly unappealing!

ONYX’s prime advantage lay in remaining  undetected.  Therefore, any rendezvous to collect personnel and  equipment, or obtain a briefing, took place at night.  Before the submarine could surface, we had to establish the identity of our escort, generally in pitch darkness and rough seas without the assistance of radar.   Once on the surface, ONYX would set off on a mad dash behind the escort.  Freezing, salt-laden air funnelling down the conning tower and through the boat to feed the roaring diesels was everywhere. There was then the tricky business of getting alongside a darkened ship that could only be seen with the naked eye from a few tens of yards. The first attempt was rarely successful.   We arrived at briefings numbed, swaddled in layers of coats and sweaters, blinking like moles in the bright light. On one occasion, a well-known and frequently quoted correspondent witnessed our arrival.  So much for secrecy we thought - but  the ensuing silence in the media indicated a suitably Nelsonian eye had been adopted!  All work had to be finished in time for an equally frantic and freezing dash back to the obscurity of the open ocean before daylight.  This also ensured ONYX was spared the fury of the daily air raids - there were no complaints on that score.

An effort to complete a reconnaissance mission at short notice nearly ended the patrol.  Many of the charts used to navigate in those waters had not changed significantly since James Cook had first drawn them.  The occasional soundings he made at that time were undoubtedly adequate for his small sailing vessel. They scarcely matched the requirements of a 2,500 ton submarine two centuries later. In consequence, ONYX discovered an uncharted  pinnacle of rock in a most dramatic fashion - by running in to it whilst dived.  Although everyone reacted admirably and control was quickly regained, it is probably safe to say the only people on board who appeared really calm were our ‘guests’ from special forces.  Not entirely due to their steel nerves - no-one had time to explain to them what had happened!  This piece of ‘impact hydrography’ put two out of the six forward torpedo tubes out of action.  This was serious enough in itself, but was made worse since the two affected tubes were those used exclusively for wire guided torpedoes.  As a result, the fore-ends' crew had to reorganise our full torpedo load.  This was akin to playing  solitaire.  However, they first had to make a free ‘hole’ by moving tons of additional equipment out into the rest of the submarine. Even then there were still  weapons weighing tons suspended in mid-air as the reshuffle continued.

The closeness of her escape was not fully revealed until  ONYX was examined in a dry dock at Portsmouth.  One of the torpedoes in the damaged tubes had cracked open like an eggshell.  The salt water had activated the battery and over the weeks, the motors had slowly turned, possibly running down the safety devices.  A small team of naval engineers and  dockyard staff, helped by some of the boat’s crew,  ripped the torpedo out in little pieces. Commercial traffic in the dockyard halted, and the area around the dry dock evacuated whilst particularly sensitive work was done.  Those involved were probably at greater risk in that dry dock than at any time when  ONYX was in the South Atlantic.

Conditions on board were unpleasant, even by diesel submarine standards.  A ‘false deck’ of stores  covered passageways and messdecks, reducing headroom from an optimistic six feet to something nearer four.  Eighty-four people lived in a space designed for sixty-eight, without the peacetime luxury of using unoccupied weapon stowage space.  Showers were commandeered for  extra storage, limiting all the crew to bath in a bucket - and that only occasionally to conserve electricity used in the distilling plant.  Despite this, the special forces visitors were soon integrated into daily life onboard.  It was not unusual to discover one of them cooking in the galley, helping with a spot of ‘scrubbing out’ or sitting in with a watchkeeper at their station.  The ship’s company took great interest in the clandestine activities of their guests  as well.  In fact, we became quite possessive about “our people”.

Much of the patrol  comprised surveillance operations amongst the myriad of islands which make up the Falklands.  Frequently, the only sign of life would be a few sheep on the bare hillsides.  Even finding features on which to take bearings  for navigational fixes was a challenge.  This led to  a new notation in the log book - ‘TOYAH’- standing for “top of yet another hill”.  The old adage about “.....99% unadulterated boredom interspersed with 1% sheer terror”  was certainly true in our case.  Certainly, many more operations were conceived and prepared than were ever carried out.  The satisfaction came from knowing we could help, and that our special capabilities gave the command added flexibility.

ONYX was not in the first flush of youth, and despite careful maintenance and wonderful support  prior to leaving Gosport,  the time at sea took its toll on the equipment as well as the men.  Both mechanical and weapons engineering  staffs had their own private battle to keep everything running.  An engine overspeed  off Ascension Island demanded a virtual rebuild of one main engine at sea.  The hasty fitting of certain electronic equipment just prior to sailing resulted in an epic struggle of human ingenuity over technical recalcitrance which lasted the complete patrol.  The total failure of one main generator while still South of the Equator on the homeward transit reminded us all of the relative vastness of the ocean and our own insignificance.  We tried everything possible to make repairs and increase speed - even sails were rigged when the wind was favourable.  Unfortunately, this failure resulted in the support ship STENA SEASPREAD spending an additional two weeks at sea as our escort.  Even our arrival back at Gosport was dogged with mechanical problems.  Having anchored in the Solent in early morning, we made ready to enter harbour on a typical August day - force eight gale and horizontal rain!  The anchor  winch disintegrated, temporarily collapsing the hydraulic system thereby immobilising the rudder.  Horror of horrors! - Adrift and not under command within sight of home, after 20,000 miles at sea.  What ignominy!  Luckily, order was quickly restored and the ‘triumphal entry’ completed without the anchor and cable.

The abiding memories are, not surprisingly, of the people, not the events.  One ‘lucky’ electrician joined by helicopter off Lands End at about two hour’s notice as we steamed past.  He left by the same method on our return, in time to be present at the birth of his first child.  The Engineer Officer, on the trim and therefore responsible for the main broadcast at Action Stations; unable to get the word “Gemini” out correctly; they instantly became “Jeremys” or “Those blasted rubber boats”.  The sonar maintainers who spend hours sealed in a small external chamber carrying out repairs whilst the submarine was dived.  The divers who fought to fill a hole in an external fuel tank  as the escaping diesel fuel destroyed the rubber seals on their suits, allowing them to fill with water.  The whole crew, who single-mindedly got on with whatever they were asked in most difficult circumstances,  confident that if everyone did their bit, we would get the job done.  The final word goes to the stoker who, at a reunion some years later simply said “Thanks for bringing us back”.

Author: Lt Cdr Andy Johnson Submarine Commander HMS ONYX in the Conflict Malvinas / Falkland 1982.



.Argentina,269,.Asia - Pacifico,220,.Brasil,184,.Chile,167,.Colombia,71,.Ecuador,48,.Peru,140,.Venezuela,26,"La caza del Octubre Rojo",1,#STEM,57,1:350,1,1ra Guerra Mundial,14,209/1100,1,209/1200,6,209/1400,6,214,1,218SG,1,2da Guerra Mundial,66,3D,1,667BDRM,2,Abastecimiento,1,Abel Basti,1,Abengoa,1,Abril,1,ABYSS,1,accidente submarino,131,Acero para Submarinos,1,ACTUV,4,Acuerdos,3,Adaptado,1,Adiestramiento,70,ADITAC,1,Adolf Hitler,1,adquisiciones,20,AE1,1,Afirmacion de Pabellon,1,Africa,7,AGASM - Asociación submarinistas franceses,3,AIP,22,Akula,1,Alanger,1,Alberto Guglielmotti,1,Alejandro Amendolara,1,Alemania,79,Alexander Nevsky,1,Alexandre Galante,1,alistamiento,1,Almanaque 2016,1,Almirante Merino" (BMS-42),3,Amazul,2,AMRJ,4,Amur 1650,3,Analox,1,Angelo Nicolaci,1,Anil Jai Singh,1,Aniversa,1,Aniversario,41,AnnualEx,1,Antares,1,Anuncios,2,ARA Salta (S-1),4,ARA Salta (S-31),20,ARA San Juan (S-42),86,ARA San Luis (S-32),35,ARA Santa Cruz (S-41),16,ARA Santa Fe (S-11),4,ARA Santa Fe (S-21),24,ARA Santa Fe (S-3),4,ARA Santiago del Estero (S-12),4,ARA Santiago del Estero (S-2),4,ARA Santiago del Estero(S-22),7,ARC Bolivar,1,ARC INdomable,13,ARC Intrepido,14,ARC Pijao,17,ARC Tayrona,13,ARCH SS-20 Thomson,16,ARCH SS-21 Simpson,24,ARCH SS-22 Carrera,22,ARCH SS-23 O´Higgins,27,Argelia,7,Armada Argentina,5,Armada Española,1,Armamento,36,armas submarinas,1,Armscor Dockyard,1,Arnaldo Funes,1,Arribos,2,Arsenal do Alfeite,1,Artico,5,Ártico,1,Articulos,33,ARV Caribe S-32,2,ARV Carite,1,ARV Carite S-11,4,ARV Picúa,1,ARV Sábalo S-31,1,ARV Tiburón (S12/S21),1,AS-12,1,AS-12 Losharik,2,ASC,2,ASC Pty Ltd,2,ASDIC,3,Aselan,1,Asia,47,Asia - Pacifico,111,ASMAR,5,ASMAR.,2,Asociación Submarinistas Alemanes - VDU,2,Asociación Colombiana de Submarinistas “ASOCOLSUBMA”,2,Asociación de Oficiales Submarinistas del Perú,1,Asociación Helénica de Submarinistas,1,Asociaciones,6,ASR-II,1,Astillero Naval Golcuk,2,Astillero Naval Gölcük,2,Astillero SIMA,2,Astillero SIMA-PERU S.A.,7,Astilleros,4,Astilleros Sevmash,1,ASW,13,ATech,1,Atlantic Coach 2015,1,Atlas,1,ATLAS ELEKTRONIK,2,ATP-10,1,ATP-57,3,Augusto Conte de los Ríos,6,AUKUS,30,Australia,63,Autralia,4,AUV,7,AWS,16,B-276 Kostroma,1,B-39,1,B-586 Kronstadt,1,B-602 "Magadan",3,B-608 Mozhaisk,1,Babcock,2,BAE Huancavilca SS-102,14,BAE Shyri SS-101,30,BAE Systems,11,Bahia (S-12),3,bajas,3,Baltico,2,BALTOPS,1,Bangladesh,2,BAP Angamos (SS-31),12,BAP Antofagasta (SS-32),8,BAP Aptao (SS-42),5,BAP Arica (SS-36),9,BAP Chipana (SS-34),11,BAP Dos de Mayo,1,BAP Ferré,2,BAP ISLAY (SS-35),6,BAP La Pedreira (S-49),2,BAP Pacocha (S-48),11,BAP Palacios,2,BAP Pisagua (SS-33),17,BAP San Lorenzo (ART-322),1,BAP Tiburón,1,Base de Submarinos,1,Base de Submarinos da Ilha da Madeira,1,Base de Submarinos Talcahuano,1,Base Naval Contralmirante Agustín Armario,1,Base Naval de Cartagena,2,Base Naval de Point Loma,1,Base Naval Mar del Plata,6,Base Naval Talcahuano,2,Batalla del Atlantico,2,Baterias,18,Baterias / Ion-Litio,15,Baterias para submarinos,3,bautismo,8,bautismo de fuego,2,BBC ONE,2,Belgorod,3,bentos,3,Bester-1,4,Black Carillon,1,Black Shark,1,Block IV,1,BNS Joyjatra,1,BNS Nabajatra,1,BNS Slava,2,BOGATUN,1,Borei-A,2,Botadura,36,Brummel Vazquez,1,Buceo,1,Bulavá,7,Bulgaria,3,Buque de Apoyo Submarino,3,búsqueda y rescate,94,Buzos,1,Buzos tacticos,2,C-3,1,C-4,1,Cabo de Hornos,1,Callisto,3,CAMNE,1,Canada,22,Capacitaciones,15,CARI,1,Carlos Alberto Damelio,1,Carlos Damelio,1,Carrier Strike Group 10,1,Cartago,8,Cartas,1,Cascos y Estructuras,18,Cassidian,1,CDB Rubin,1,ceremonias,110,certificación de una escotilla,1,Certificaciones,1,Ceuta,1,Chief,3,CHILEMAR,15,China,53,Christian Alfredo Widmann,2,Christian D. Villanueva López,1,CIA,1,CIAMA,1,CINAR,1,Cine,9,Cine y Series,7,Clase Barracuda,1,Clase 0,1,Clase 035G,2,Clase 093,1,Clase 093G Shang,2,Clase 209NG,1,Clase 600,5,Clase A,1,Clase A26,13,Clase Agosta 90B,1,Clase Akula,7,Clase Alpha,1,Clase Astute,16,Clase Attack,1,Clase Balao,1,Clase Blekinge,1,Clase Boréi,2,Clase Boréi-A,1,Clase Cetus,1,Clase Chang Bogo - III,4,Clase Changbogo - III,3,Clase Collins,8,Clase Columbia,2,Clase Dapnhé,5,Clase Delfin,1,Clase Dreadnought,2,Clase Echo,1,Clase Fateh,2,Clase Flota,1,Clase Foca,2,Clase Foxtrot,4,Clase Gato,1,Clase Gotland,7,Clase Graney,1,Clase Gür,2,Clase Hangor,2,Clase Jin,2,Clase Juliett,2,Clase Kalvari,10,Clase Kilo,4,Clase Kobben,4,Clase Lada,5,Clase Le Redoutable,1,Clase Los Angeles,9,Clase Ohio,3,Clase Orca,1,Clase Oscar-II,2,Clase Preveze,4,Clase Reis,4,Clase Riachuelo,5,Clase Romeo,1,Clase Romeo (Proyecto 633),2,Clase Rubis,1,Clase Ruby,3,Clase S-60,1,Clase S-70,4,Clase S-80,18,Clase S26T,5,Clase Salta,1,Clase Sauro,3,Clase Seawolf,1,Clase Sierra,4,clase Södermanland,2,clase Son Won-il,1,Clase Soryu,13,Clase SSN(X),1,Clase Suffren,5,Clase SX 506,1,Clase Taigei,8,Clase Tikuna,1,Clase Todaro,2,Clase Trafalgar,2,Clase Tridente,16,Clase Tupi,8,Clase Typhoon,13,Clase Ula,12,Clase Upholder,7,Clase Vanguard,2,Clase Varshavianka,4,Clase Victoria,9,Clase Virginia,25,Clase Walrus.,10,Clase Whiskey / Proyecto 613,4,Clase Yankee,1,Clase Yuan,4,Cofs,5,colaboración,1,colisión,34,Comandante Azcueta,1,Comandante de Submarinos,14,Comando de la Fuerza de Submarinos.,15,Comandos Anfibios,2,Comics,1,cómics,3,Comisionado,6,Compact Rapid Attack Weapon - CRAW,1,Complejo Naval de Itaguaí,1,COMPTUEX,2,Computadora de control Tiro,1,COMPUTEX,1,COMSUBNATO,2,COMSUBPAC,2,Comunicaciones,8,Comunicados,1,Comunidad,1,condecoraciones,4,Conferencia de Submarinos de las Américas (SCOTA),2,Conferencias,8,Conflictos,2,Congresos,3,Conmemoración,1,Consola de Gobierno,3,Construcción de Submarinos,3,Contramedidas,2,Contratos,29,Control Averias,1,Control del Mar,1,Convertidores,1,Cooperación,3,Corea del Norte,10,Corea del Sur,44,Corte de Casco,1,Cosme Garcia,1,COSPAT,1,COVID-19,4,Crocodile,1,CSS Hunley,2,CTBTO,2,Cuba,3,Curiosidades,2,curso,2,Curso escape,5,cursos,10,D-26 Bouchard DEBU,1,Daewo,2,Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co,1,DAMEN,5,Daniel Prieto,8,DAPA,1,DAPHNE,1,DARPA,2,Das Boat,1,Dassault Systemes,1,Datos Subs,7,David Claudio Lagar,4,DDS ( Dry Deck Shelter),1,decomisos,20,DeepBlue2022,1,DEFENSA ANTIAEREA SUBMARINA,1,defensa y seguridad,2,Delfines,1,DeltaIV,2,Desguace,6,Despliegues,55,destino final,15,Detección Acústica Submarina,3,detección subacua,3,Deutschen Marinemuseum,1,DEYSEG,1,Dia D,1,Dia del Submarinista,1,Dianca,1,Diego Quevedo Carmona,3,Diesel Electric Submarine Initiative - DESI,60,Dinamarca,1,Dique Flotante,1,Dique Young,1,diseño y desarrollo,9,DISSUB,62,distintivo,1,Dmitri Donskoy,2,Documental,10,Dolphin,3,Dolphin II,6,Dr Pablo Castro,25,Drass,2,DRDO India,1,DRIX,1,Drones,14,DSME,9,DSRV,3,Dynamic Manta,11,DYNAMIC MARINER,1,Dynamic Monarch,4,Dynamic Mongoose,9,ECA Group,5,Eckernförde,1,Educacion,2,efe-sep,1,Efemérides,5,Egipto,11,egresos,2,Ehime Maru,1,Ejercicio Nordic Response,1,Ejercicios,153,Elac Sonar GmbH,2,ELBIT SYSTEMS,2,Electricidad,2,Electronica,6,elSnorkel,16,Emblemas,2,Emden,1,Emeraude (S-604),1,emergencia submarino,56,En Astilleros,34,En eterna patrulla,3,enigma,3,Enrico Toti,1,Entretenimiento,9,Entrevistas,15,Eric Genevelle,1,Erich Saumeth,1,Escape de Submarinos,12,ESCAPEX,2,Escenarios,1,escotilla de rescate,2,Escuadrón de Submarinos,6,Escuela de Submarinos,63,España,141,Especialidades,15,Espionaje,1,Espionaje submarino,1,ESPS Tramontana,1,Estado del Arte,1,Estrecho de Ormuz,2,Eterna patrulla,1,EURONAVAL,3,Euronaval 2014,1,Europa,11,Eurydce (S644),1,Evacuación,1,eventos,27,Exibiciones,1,Exocet,3,Expociciones,4,EXPODEFENSA,1,Exponaval,7,Exposiciones,1,F21,1,Facundo Rovira,1,Falkland 1982,1,fallas,1,Fateh,3,Fede Supervielle,1,FEINDEF,1,Felinto Perry K11,1,Felix Artuso,7,Ferias y Exposiones,1,Fibra Óptica,1,Filipinas,4,Fincantieri,10,Firmas Acusticas,1,Fleet-Type,1,Fleetex,1,Flota del Pacífico,1,Flota Rusa del Norte,4,Flota Rusa Del Pacífico,1,Flotilla de Submarinos,9,FNS Améthyste (S605),1,FORONAVAL,1,Foros,1,fotos,6,Foxtrot,3,Francia,62,FRANCISCO FERNÁNDEZ MATEOS,1,Francisco Guido Rossomando,10,Fraterno,3,Fuerza de Submarinos,31,fuerzanaval.com,1,Fuerzas especiales,2,fumar,2,G7a,1,Gabler,4,Galatée (S 646),1,Gazzana (S525),1,General Dynamics Electric Boat,11,Ghadir-955,1,Gibraltad,2,Giorgias,1,Goiás - S15,1,Golfo de Persico,1,Gonzalo Salinas,1,Gorka L Martínez Mezo,8,GPS,1,Grecia,18,grupo electrógeno,1,Grytviken,3,Guanabara S 10,1,Guerra Antisubmarina,8,Guerra Antisubmarina (ASW),20,Guerra Civil,1,Guerra Electronica,1,Guerra Fria,22,Guerra Submarina,5,Guilherme Poggio,3,Gunther Prien,2,H-3 Rucumilla,2,HABETaS®,1,habitabilidad,1,HAGENUK,1,Hai Kun (ss-711),2,Hai Kun (海鯤,1,Hakugei (SS 514),3,Hanwha Ocean,2,HD Hyundai Heavy Industries,2,HDS-2300,1,HDW,5,HDW CLASE 214NG,1,Héctor Galisteo Streeksoff,1,helices,5,Helicopteros,1,Helmuth Walter,2,Hensoldt,4,Heraldica,1,Hi-Line,1,hidroacústica,2,HII,1,Himno,1,HIPOPÓTAMO,1,Historia,161,HISutton,3,HMAS Collins,1,HMAS Dechaineux (SSG 76),1,HMAS Farncomb,2,HMAS Onslow,1,HMAS OTAMA,1,HMAS Sheean,2,HMCS Chicoutimi,8,HMCS Corner Brook,2,HMCS Victoria,1,HMCS Windsor,5,HMS Agamemnon,1,HMS Ambush,4,HMS Anson,4,HMS Artful,2,HMS Astute,4,HMS Audacious,5,HMS Audacius,1,HMS Cachalot,1,HMS Conqueor,2,HMS Conqueror,7,HMS Courageous,1,HMS Dreadnought,1,HMS E5,1,HMS M2,1,HMS Ocelot,1,HMS Onyx,5,HMS Osiris,2,HMS Regent,1,HMS Spartan,2,HMS Splendid,3,HMS Superb,1,HMS Swiftsure,1,HMS Talent,3,HMS Tarpoon,1,HMS Tireless,2,HMS Trenchant (S91),1,HMS Triumph,2,HMS Trooper,1,HMS Valiant,2,HMS Vanguard,5,HMS Vengeance,1,HMS Victorious,2,HMS VIgil,2,Hobby,2,Hoggar-032,1,HOISTEX,1,Homenajes,11,Howaldtswerke (HDW),2,HQ-186 Da Nang,2,HQ-187 Ba Ria-Vung Tau,2,HS Katsonis (S-123),1,HS Matrozos (S-122),1,HS Papanikolis,1,HSwMS Gotland,3,HSwMS Södermanland,1,HSwMS Uppland,3,Huancavilca,2,Huntington Ingalls Industries,2,HY-80,2,Hyatt (SS-23),2,HYDRA,1,Hyundai,1,I-400,3,I-52,1,IANTN / RITN,2,ICBM,1,ICEX,2,ICN - Itaguaí Construções Navais,89,IDAS,2,Impresoras 3D,1,Impresos,2,IN MEMORIAM,1,Incendio,8,incendio en submarino,5,incidentes,6,Incorporacion,27,Incorporación,30,Incorporaciones,9,India,65,Indo-Pacifico,5,Indonesia,26,Indra,1,Industria Naval,619,Infografias,11,Informe,8,Informes,4,Ing Carlos E. Torres,7,Ing. Isaac Peral,6,Ingeniero Cesare Laurenti,1,Inglaterra,3,INS Arighat,1,INS ARIHANT,4,INS Dakkar Tz-77,1,INS Drakon,1,INS Kalvani,3,INS Kalvari,2,INS Khanderi,2,INS RAHAV,1,Ins Sindhudhvaj,2,INS Sindhurakshak,3,INS Sindhuratna,2,INS Vagir,3,INS Vagsheer,1,INS Vela,3,Insignia,1,Intecs,1,Inteligencia Articifial,1,Intercambios,1,Intereses Marítimos,3,International Submariners Congress,1,Investigación y Desarrollo,33,Ion-Litio,4,IPMS Mar del Plata,1,Iran,9,Irlanda,1,IROV,1,ISA,3,ISC,1,ISMERLO,13,Israel,12,Itaguaí,5,Italia,59,ITS Scire,2,IXblue,2,Jangbogo II,1,Jangbogo III,6,Japon,43,Japón,3,Javier Navia,2,JFD-James Fisher,3,Jingei SS-515,1,JL-2,1,Jorge A Ricaldoni,1,Jorge Pereira,1,José Javier GUERRERO DEL CAMPO,7,José María Ramírez Iglesias,1,Juan Carlos Federico Blume Othon,2,Juan Oliver Lorente,13,juegos,7,Juliett,1,Juliett 484,1,K 219,1,K-141 KURSK,11,K-19,4,K-266,1,K-27,2,k-276 Kostromá,1,K-278 Komsomolets,2,K-3,1,K-322 Kashalot,1,K-441,1,K184,1,Ka-27,1,Kaiten,1,Kambala,1,Kamchatka,1,Karl Dönitz,1,Karl Flach,5,Kawasaki Shipbuilding Corporation,1,Kazan,2,Kazan (K-561),1,KIEL,7,Kilo,14,Kniaz Pozharski,1,kockum,3,Kockums,1,Kólpino,1,Kongsberg,2,KONGSBERG DEFENSE & AEROSPACE,1,Kongsberg.Kongsberg,1,Krasnodar,2,KRI 404 Ardadedali,1,KRI Alugoro (405),2,KRI Nanggala 402,8,Kriegsmarine,1,Kronshtadt,2,KSS-II,3,KSS-III,7,KTA Naval System,1,KTA Naval Systems,1,L3harris,1,LAAD,1,Lada,4,Lanzamientos,9,Laser,2,Latinoamerica,958,Le Foudroyant.,1,Le Minerve (S-647),3,Le Terrible,1,Le Vigilant (S618),1,Leonardo SpA,6,Lewis Mejía Prada,10,liam nisson,1,Libros,8,Lic Bakic Guillermo,5,Licitaciones,4,Liderazgo,1,Lockheed Martin.,1,Los Flota,1,LR5,3,Lubeck,1,Luis Enrique Velez Roman,3,Luiz Padilha,1,LUUV,1,magnetohidrodinamica,2,Malasia,1,Malvinas 1982,91,MAN Energy Solution,1,Maniobras,1,manteniemiento,6,mantenimiento,22,Manual de Operaciones,1,mar negro,5,Maratón,1,Marcelo Malara,1,Maria Petkovic,1,Mariano Sciaroni,22,marineschepen.nl,1,Marruecos,1,Martín Piazza,1,MASSEVEX,1,Master Chief,1,mastiles y antenas,6,Mazagon Dock,1,Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited (MDL),5,Mazagon Docks Ltd,2,MBDA,1,Medio Oriente,1,Mediterraneo,4,MESMA,2,Methanol,1,Mexico,2,midget,1,Minas,1,Mini Submarinos,9,Ministro de Defensa,2,minisubmarino ruso AS-28,1,Misil,3,Misil Antibuque P-700 Granit,1,Misil Harpoon,1,Misil SM39,3,Misiles,11,Misiles Kalibr,1,Mistral,1,Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Kobe,3,MK_54,1,MK-10 Submarine Escape and Immersion Equipment (SEIE),2,MK-11 Submarine Escape and Immersion Equipment (SEIE),1,MK-48,1,MK39 EMATT,1,MLU,6,MO-103,1,Modelismo,1,Modelismo cratch,1,Modelismo Kits,4,Modelismo Papel,1,Modernizacion,14,Monumentos,3,MOOG Australia,1,Motor Eléctrico de Propulsión (MEP),3,Motores para Submarinos,6,MTU,6,Mujeres en submarinos,45,Musa,1,Museo de Submarinos,1,Museo Technik,1,Myanmar,1,Nanotecnologia,2,Narval S-631,1,NATO Submarine Rescue System (NSRS),1,Naufragios,3,nautilus,1,Naval Force,2,Naval Group,9,Naval Group (DCNS),71,Naval Submarine School,1,Naval Submarine School (NSS),1,Navantia,26,Nave Nodriza,1,navegacion,1,Navegación,1,Nedinsco,1,Nerpa,1,Nevesbu,2,Newport News Shipbuilding,5,NICOMEDES SANTA CRUZ,1,Niteroi,1,NORSUB-5,1,Northrop Grumman,1,Noruega,35,noticia,4,noticias,6,Novosibirsk,1,NRP Arpao (S161),17,NRP ESPADARTE,1,NRP Tridente,2,NRP Tridente (S160),11,NSS Guillobel,1,Nuclep,2,Nulcep,1,O´Brien (SS-22),2,Oberon,1,Obnisk,1,OCCAR,5,Ocean Infinity,3,Oceania,2,Oceano (S-118),1,Ocio,41,Octubre Rojo,1,Ofrecimientos,1,OMI,1,OpenDays,1,Operación "Brilliant Shield",4,OPERACIÓN “HOKEHAMTON”,1,Operación Awless,1,Operacion Baldur,1,Operación Banner,1,Operación de Fiscalización Marítima,3,Operación Grenada,1,Operacion MAr Abierto,3,Operación Noble Shield,1,Operación Sea Guardian,6,Operaciones,6,Operaciones de combate,5,Operaciones de Inteligencia,5,Operaciones de vigilancia,4,Operaciones Especiales,3,Operaciones Submarinas,6,Operaracion Irini,4,Opinión,9,Opiñión,1,OptiArray,1,Optics11,1,Optronico,8,ORCCA,1,Orel K-266,1,Organismos,1,ORION,1,ORP Bielik,1,ORP Kondor,1,ORP Sęp,1,ORP Sokol,1,Orzeł,2,Oscar,2,Oscar Daniel Siano,1,Oscar Filippi,1,OSI Maritime Systems,2,OTAN,664,Otto Kretschmer,1,Ouarsenis-031,1,p,2,P-3 Orion,2,P-8A Poseidon,2,Pablo Javier Melara,3,Paises Bajos,38,Pakistan,9,Panama,1,Pandemia,6,Panorama,136,PASSEX,1,Patrulla de Guerra,1,pecio,5,pecios,18,Percy Isaac Suárez Cáceres,2,Periscopio,12,Periscopio SERO 250,1,Perseo Techworks,1,Peter Mulvany,1,Phoenix Dragon (511),1,Pietro Venuti (S 528),1,PIlas de Combustibles,1,Pirireis (S 330),4,Plan genesis,1,Plan Procyon,1,Pluviôse,1,PNR Barracuda (S164),1,PNS Ghazi,1,PNS Hangor (S131),1,PNS/M KHALID (S-137),1,PoderNaval,2,Podmoskovie,1,Polonia,15,POLYPHEM,1,Portugal,38,POSYDON,1,Precursores,19,Presentaciones,3,Programa "Orka",1,Programas,1,Propulsion,27,Propulsion AIP,13,Propulsion Nuclear,4,PROSUB,76,Proyecto 611,1,Proyecto 09852,2,Proyecto 636,7,Proyecto 636.1,3,Proyecto 636.3,15,Proyecto 667,2,Proyecto 667BDR,2,proyecto 671RTMK,1,Proyecto 677,2,Proyecto 75,3,Proyecto 75I,7,Proyecto 885M Yasem-M,2,Proyecto 941,2,Proyecto 949,1,Proyecto 949A,1,proyecto 955 Borei,11,proyecto 955a Borei-a,2,Proyecto 971,2,Proyecto MILDEN,3,Proyecto Yasen-M,2,Proyectos,2,pruebas de mar,36,Pruebas de Puerto,2,PT Pal,1,Publicaciones,6,Publicidades con submarinos,1,Puget Sound Naval Shipyard,1,Punta Arenas,1,Qatar,1,R-29,1,Raigei SS-516,1,Raytheon,1,Reactores Nucleares,1,Reclutamiento,3,Regreso,3,Regreso a puerto,1,Reino Unido,20,Relato,4,Relato de Guerra,7,Relatos,1,Renovación,6,reparaciones,4,Reparaciones Media Vida,24,Reportajes,2,rescate submarino,12,Reserva Naval,1,Reunion,4,Revista de Marina.es,1,Revista Naval,2,Revistas,2,Ricardo Burzaco,1,RIMPAC,6,Rio Grande do Sul (S-11),2,Rio III,1,ROASW,2,Roberto Marcelo Paz,24,Rodríguez Labandera,2,Roger L. Cotrina Alvarado,1,ROK Dosan Ahn Chang-Ho,1,ROKS Ahn Mu (SSB-085),1,ROKS An Jung-geun,1,ROKS Dosan Ahn Chang-ho (SS-083),1,ROKS Dosan Ahn Changho (SS-083),1,ROKS SINDOLSEOK (SS 082),1,Rolls-Royce,1,Rosoboronexport,1,ROV,2,Royal IHC,2,Royal Navy,75,RSS Impeccable,3,RSS Inimitable,1,RSS Invincible,2,Rubin,1,Rumania,4,Rusia,207,RWUAS,1,S-10,1,S-1000,4,S-110 Glavkos,2,S-178,1,S-20 Humaita,1,S-21 Tonelero,1,S-353 PREVEZE,1,S-354 SAKARYA,1,S-355 18 MART,1,S-356 ANAFARTALAR,1,S-40,1,S-41 Humaitá,17,S-43,2,S-61 Delfin,2,S-62 tonina,4,S-71 Galerna,5,S-72 Siroco,1,S-73 Mistral,8,S-74 Tramontana,7,S-80,26,S-80Plus,5,S-81,1,S-81 Isaac Peral,14,S.A. (AASA),1,S101 SAS Manthatisi,3,S102 Charlotte Maxeke,2,S161 BNS Nabajatra,1,S162 BNS Joy Jatra,1,S20,1,S30 Tupi,5,S31 Tamoio,5,S32 Timbira,9,S33 Tapajo,9,S34 Tikuna,12,S42 (864),1,S529 Romeo Romei,3,Saab,18,SAAB -DAMEN,6,Sábalo(S-31),4,SACOR Siderotécnica SA,1,SAES,22,Safran Group,2,Sala de Maquinas,1,Salud,1,salvamento,8,Salvatore Todaro,1,Santiago Aversa,1,Saphir,1,SAR,7,SARMISS,2,SARSAT,1,SARSUB,14,SAS S99 ASSEGAAI ex-Johanna van der Merwe,2,satelite,1,Saukko,1,SBR-1 Riachuelo S-40,33,SBR-2,1,SBR-3 S42Tonelero,6,SBR-3 Tonelero,1,SBR-4 Angostura (S-43),5,scapa flow,2,Scire,1,Scorpene,25,Scratch,1,Sea Ceptor,1,SEA1000,1,Seabed Contructor,2,sebastopol,1,Seguridad,2,Sekiryu SS-508,1,Seminarios,1,sener,2,Sensores,4,SenToku,1,Ser Submarinista,193,Serie 60,1,Series TV,1,SERO 400,2,Servicio Activo,2,Shackleton 2014. S/Y Polonus,1,Shiplift,1,Shkval,2,Shortfin Barracuda,5,SIA Conferences,1,Siemens,2,SIFOREX,2,Silent Hunter,1,SIMA,5,Simuladores,8,Simuladores de Submarinos,7,Simuladores PC,3,Singapur,13,Sistema de Gestión de Combate,5,Sistema de Navegación Táctica en Inmersión,1,Sistemas de Aire Respirable,1,sistemas de armas,2,Sistemas de combate,10,Sistemas de Gobierno,2,Sistemas de Navegación,3,Sistemas de Propulsión,13,SITDEF- PERU,1,SLBM,2,SM U118,1,Smer,2,SMEREX,2,SMERWG,3,SMG Cappellini,3,smg macallé,5,SMG Scire,1,SMX-26,1,SNA Casabianca,1,SNA Duguay-Trouin,2,SNA Perle,5,SNA Rubis,2,SNA Ruby,1,SNA Saphir,1,SNA Tourville,2,SNB Alvaro Alberto,13,SNLE,3,SNMG1,1,snorkel,3,Sonar,40,sonares,3,SRC,1,SRDRS,2,SRV,3,SS 078 Yu Gwan-sun,2,SS Simpson,1,SS Thomson,1,SS Thomson S-22,1,SS-508 Sekiryu,1,SS-510 Shoryu,1,SS-517 Chougei,1,SS-711),1,SS-791 Hai Shi,1,SS-792 Hai Pao,1,SS-794 Hai Hu,1,SSBN,3,SSBN James Madison,1,SSBN L Inflexible S615,1,SSBN Project 667AU K-219,1,SSBN Tipo 094,1,SSK,2,SSK SS-511 Oryu,1,SSN,3,SSN Suffren,1,SSN-791 Delaware,1,SSN-792 Vermont,1,SSN-AUKUS,3,Stari Oskol,1,STIRLING,3,STM,6,STN Atlas Elektronik,2,SUBCOMP,1,SUBCON,8,subdiex,23,Submairno B-5,1,Submarine Rescue Diving and Recompression System,1,Submarine Rescue Vehicle,1,submariner memorial,2,Submarinista por un dia,1,submarinistas,1,Submarino,3,Submarino "B-380",1,Submarino B-67,1,Submarino de Ataque,1,Submarino de Misiles Balisticos,2,Submarino Diesel,57,Submarino Ferré,1,Submarino M-256,1,Submarino Museo O'Brien,9,Submarino Nº361,1,Submarino Nuclear,195,submarino nuclear B-448 Tambov,1,Submarino Nuclear de Ataque,1,Submarino O13,1,Submarino Perdio,1,submarino siniestrado,1,Submarino Sovietico,2,Submarino SSBN,3,Submarino Tipo Kilo,10,Submarino Toro,1,Submarino U212NFS,8,Submarinos,6,Submarinos Convencionales,23,Submarinos de ataque,2,Submarinos de Bolsillo,1,Submarinos de Exportación,1,Submarinos Diesel,44,Submarinos enanos,3,Submarinos Expeditionary C-71,1,Submarinos Hundidos,74,Submarinos Midget,1,Submarinos Museos,72,submarinos nucleares,5,Submarinos R/C,14,Submarinos Rusos,54,Submarinos X-Craft,1,Suboficial,1,SUBP-SS (Rt) JORGE ECHEVERRIA M,2,Subs en Guerra,50,SUBSAFE,1,SUBSAR,5,Sudafrica,8,suecia,26,Sumergible F1,1,Supercavitacion,2,Survitec,1,Sydney Sonartech Atlas,1,TACC,1,Tactico-Operativo,1,Tailandia,9,Taiwan,16,Tandanor,1,Tarantinos,4,TCG Anafartalar,1,TCG Anafartalar (S356),1,TCG Dumlupinar (D-6),1,TCG GUR,1,TCG Hizir Reis,2,TCG Uluçalireis,1,Tebaldo RICALDONI,2,Tecnologia,274,Thales,1,THE PERISHER,11,ThyseenKrupp,23,ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems,22,Tipo 035G Ming III,1,Tipo 039A,2,Tipo 039B,1,Tipo 041,2,Tipo 094,1,Tipo 206,19,Tipo 209,61,Tipo 209/1100,2,Tipo 209/1200,2,Tipo 209/1400,7,Tipo 209P,8,Tipo 210,1,Tipo 212,13,Tipo 214,27,Tipo 218SG,9,Tipo Balao,8,Tipo Barracuda,4,Tipo Cavallini,3,Tipo Guppy,16,Tipo Holland,2,Tipo KSS-III,4,Tipo Oberon,45,Tipo S26T,1,Tipo Scorpene,52,Tipo STM500,1,Tipo VIIB,1,Tipo098,1,Tipos de Submarinos,1,TITAN,1,Titanic,2,​​TK-208 Dmitry Donskoy,4,TKMS,24,Tomahawk,1,Tomas Ramiro Pérez Romero,3,Tonina,1,Torpedo 47,1,Torpedo 62/ 2000),1,Torpedo Black Shark,2,Torpedo DM2 A4,2,Torpedo F21,2,Torpedo Poseidón,3,Torpedo Spearfishm,2,Torpedo Sting Ray,1,Torpedos,37,Torpedos MK 48,1,Torpedos MK 50,1,Toryu (SS-512),2,TR-1700,2,TR1700,4,Tracker,1,tragedia,2,Tramontana,1,Transporte de submarinos,1,Triatlon,1,Trident,3,Tripulacion.,1,Tripulaciones.,1,TTC Ayelén Gagliolo,1,TTC Marina Roberto.,5,Tubos Lanzatorpedos,3,TUP,1,Turkiye,34,Type 094 SSBN,1,Type XXI,2,Type-039C,1,Type-212CD,11,U-10 S189,1,U-156,1,U-17 S-196,6,U-210,1,U-25,1,U-250,1,U-307,1,U-31,1,U-32,1,U-33,1,U-34,1,U-35,4,U-36,3,U-455,1,U-47,1,U-530,8,U-537,1,U-576,1,U-581,1,U-65,1,U-87,1,U-9,1,U-977,8,U-Boat,16,U-boats en Latinoamerica,10,U.S. Naval War College,1,U1 - Zaporiyia,1,U206,3,U206A,1,U212,21,U212 NFS,2,U212 NFS Todaro Class Batch-III,3,U214,1,U216,1,U35,1,U36,4,UBoat,46,UC-71,1,Ucrania,4,UDT,1,UET-1 ICTIONARIUS,1,UFEM,2,UMS Minye Theinkhathu,1,Undersea Defence Technology (UDT),1,Undersea Defence Technology Forum,1,Uniformes,1,Union Europea,2,Unitas,6,UPCT,1,URSS,19,US Naval Forces Southern Command & US 4th Fleet,1,US Navy,4,USNavy,247,USS Baton Rouge (SSN-689),2,USS Alabama (SSBN 731),1,USS Albacore,1,USS Albacore (SS 218),1,USS Batfish (SS-310),1,USS Bonefish SS-582,1,USS CATFISH (SS339),1,USS CHIVO (SS341),1,USS Clagamore (SS-343),1,USS Colorado (SSN 788),1,USS Columbia (SSBN 826),1,USS Connecticut (SSN-22),6,USS CUBERA (SS-347),1,USS Dogfish (SS350),1,USS Dolphin (AGSS-555),1,USS Grayback (SS-208),1,USS GRENADIER (SS-525),1,USS GUARDFISH,1,USS Gurnard,1,USS Hampton (SSN-767),1,USS Harder (SS 257),1,USS Hawaii (SSN 776),3,USS Herring,1,USS Holland SS-1,1,USS Idaho (SSN-799),1,USS Illinois (SSN 786),2,USS Jacksonville (SSN 699),1,USS Jimmy Carter (SSN-23),1,USS La Jolla (SSN 701),1,USS Lamprey – (SS372),2,USS Ling,2,USS Ling (SS-297),1,USS Louisiana (SSBN 743),1,USS Macabi (SS375),2,USS Massachusetts (SSN 798),1,USS MIAMI,2,USS Minnesota,1,USS Mississippi,1,USS Montana SSN794,1,USS Montpelier,1,USS Nautilus (SSN-571),2,USS NEW JERSEY (SSN 796),2,USS O-5 (SS-66),1,uss ohio,1,USS Ohio (SSGN 726),2,USS Oklahoma City (SSN 723),1,USS Oregon (SSN 793),1,USS Pennsylvania (SSBN 735),1,USS S-4 (SS-109),1,USS San Francisco - (SSN-711),2,USS San Juan (751),1,USS Scorpion (SSN-589),2,USS Sea Leopard (SS-483),1,USS Seawolf. (SSN 768),2,USS Skipjack,1,USS South Dakota,1,USS South Dakota (SSN-790),2,USS Spot (SS-413),1,USS Springer (SS-414),1,USS Springfield (SSN 761),1,USS Springfield (SSN-761),1,USS Squalus,1,USS STICKLEBACK (SS-415),1,USS Texas/SSN 775),1,USS Thornback (SS-418),1,USS Thresher,5,USS Tilefish (SS-307),3,USS Topeka (SSN 754),1,USS Trumpetfish (SS- 425),1,USS Vermont (SSN 792),1,USS Wyoming,1,USS Wyoming (SSBN 742),1,UUV,6,UVV,4,V2,1,valdivia,1,vehículos aéreos no tripulados,1,vehículos submarinos no tripulados,13,Veliki Nóvgorod,1,VERTREP,1,veteranos,1,vida a bordo,37,Videos,39,Vietnam,12,Vilit2021,1,Virginia Block VI,1,Visitar un submarino,1,Visitas,4,Vistas a submarinos,3,VLS,1,Volkhov,1,Walrus,8,Walter,1,Wartsila,1,White Carillon,1,worldofwarships,1,XLUUVS,1,Yasen,6,Yuan Class,1,Yuri Dolgoruki,2,Zaporozhie,1,Zr.Ms. Dolfin,4,Zr.Ms. Dolphin,1,
www.elSnorkel.com : Unconventional Hydrography in a Conventional Submarine - HMS Onyx and the 1982 South Atlantic Conflict
Unconventional Hydrography in a Conventional Submarine - HMS Onyx and the 1982 South Atlantic Conflict
HMS ONYX was one of the smaller cogs in the complex fighting machine that responded to the Argentine invasion of the Falkland Islands in 1982. However, she did complete what is probably the longest wartime patrol by a diesel submarine ever - 116 days from April to August.
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